It's truly amazing that people can actually smile in your face, do shady shit, and think that you have no clue what they are doing. I often laugh to myself at people of that nature because I absolutely am always aware of what's going on. I've come to the conclusion that everything does not deserve a response, because it often takes too much time and energy away from your life to provide them with the pleasure of a response. It's just simply not worth your time, especially when you are focused on much more important things. Life is too short to waste on unnecessary foolishness and I would think that the older some get, the wiser they would become but that is not always the case. As I've always stated, people really and truly give themselves wayyyyyy to much credit as to their importance in my life because for the most part, I am so focused on what I'm doing that I choose not to give negativity or F*&%ery the time of day. Never tolerate disrespect from anyone and keep a watchful eye on those who smile in your face because more often than not, the individual is the complete and total definition of what I like to call SHADY BOOTS and they where them well!!!